Is this ever lame. There is absolutely zero value in using this app to teach pronunciation. All it does is list words, play a garbled audio bit and offer an IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcription. Google or any online dictionary/thesaurus does the same and more. This is just a new interface for one of Macmillan’s ESL dictionaries.
From a literate students POV, learning pronunciation typically requires that a student remember audio info along with an alphabetic transcription. Using this app, they also have to remember the IPA transcription. Arent students overburdened enough already without adding such useless tasks to the rigors of learning a language? Students need to learn aurally (and orally) not visually. For a variety of reasons students need to learn word sounds in context, NOT in isolation. Have a heart, dont foist this tripe on your students.
There may be some value in this app for linguists or student teachers who wish to master IPA but for English language learners: zip. The hype says this app won an Elton Award. What’s that? I checked, it seems like an award program run by the British Council. It also seems like Macmillan Education is a sponsor of the award. Hmmm. Nice bit of synchronicity, that.
DaBoo22 about Sounds: The Pronunciation App FREE, v2.0.1